September Bord Meeting- Motions Voted On
The following motions were made during the September 19,2022 Board Meeting.
Approve meeting minutes from the August 15, 2022- Regular Board meeting.
Approve spending $31,500 (budgeted) for concrete repairs throughout the Four Colonies property with work to be done by end of year 2022.
Approve policy for Pergolas and Gazebos. New policy to be added to website.
Approve 2023 Four Colonies budget as presented.
Approve contract to Philips Paving for $394,780 for mill work, overlay, curb and gutter replacement in Colonies 3 & 4 in 2023.
Approve contract to Philips Paving for $58,779 for seal coating in Colonies 1 & 2 in 2023.
These motions will be included in the official minutes of the September board meeting and subject to approval at the October meeting.