Motions made during the March board meeting
The following motions were made during the March 20, 2023 Board Meeting.
Approve meeting minutes from the February 20, 2023- Regular Board meeting with the amendment to Common facilities report to include discussion around Clubhouse 3 and additional use. No actions taken upon this discussion.
Approve the bid from TopCare to replace the timber retaining wall with stone (to include drains behind and underneath) on the south side of the sidewalk/east side of the adult pool for $23,160.
Approve the bid from Phillips Paving for seal coating Colonies 1 & 2 for $58,779.
Approve bid from Platinum Paving to remove and replace concrete sidewalks throughout Four Colonies for $31,400.
These motions will be included in the official minutes of the March board meeting and subject to approval at the May meeting.